Building No12 Street No9 Taimani Sabiqa Kabul, Afghanistan
+93 700788880 Email Us

About RGGC

Raoufi pvt ltd. Was established by a group of qualified team in 1989, with intention of providing and importing various types pharmaceutical products and medical equipments, registered as a limited company started its activities under the regulations of Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Health of the Islamic republic of Afghanistan. From start to finish, RGGC company provides a diversified range of high quality health care products including those in Cardiology, Gynecology, Neuropsychiatry, Ophthalmology, Diabetes, Nutrition, and Dietary supplements. So for we have invested 10 million $ in healthcare section. Raoufi ltd, is a company building a future focused on growth and innovation, quality products and distribution coverage throughout Afghanistan
We have our corporate office in Kabul and our regional offices are situated in all provinces of Afghanistan. Our international office is in United Kingdom and Ukraine. Raoufi Global Group is a big network in Afghanistan, our company had works with many of the world's leading companies through various agreements, partnerships and joint ventures, the group is a leading healthcare, medical equipment, medical tourism, and consumer care company in Afghanistan, and is commited to meeting the growing needs of healthcare and pharmaceutical distribution in the country.
Raoufi Global company has a unique distribution and marketing network of more than 350 sales and medical representatives, with 100 professional staff, as well as a holesale organization, the company is managed by a highly experienced team consisting of Afghans and expatriates with diverse backgrounds and skill sets.

Our Goodness Our Mission, Vision & Values

Our Mission

To lead the healthcare industry in Afghanistan with the highest standards, ensure medical equipment and consumer care products meet the needs of the community today, and build capabilities to raise healthcare standards to meet the needs of future narration.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build total brand value by innovating to deliver consumer value and customer leadership faster, better and more complete health services through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork and innovation.

Our Values

Ethics, professionalism, integrity, quality of service innovation and trust are our company core values. These values are implemented in every aspect of the company and combined with our deep undrestanding of the market.

RGGC Standards

  • Raoufi Global Group pvt ltd. warehouses were finally upgraded to comply with WHO guidelines for good storage practice (GDP) and good distribution practices (GSP), our storage areas have sufficient capacity to:


  • Allow orderly storage of the various categories of pharmaceutical products.
  • Ensure dry and clean environment with acceptable tempreture limits, through records of temprature monitoring data.
  • Keep products off the floor to permit cleaning and regular inspection.
  • permit adequate storage and handing of the products through coolant vehicles and equipment.

Interested in working with RGGC?

We don’t just manage suppliers, we micro-manage them. We have a consultative, personalized approach

SOME OF OUR Suppliers